O The support of the Armed Forces in the solidification of the Vargas regime (1930-1937)

  • Antonio Modesto dos Santos Júnior Mestrando em História do Programa de Pós-Graduação da Universidade Salgado de Oliveira (UNIVERSO). Graduado em História pela Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB).
Keywords: Getúlio Vargas, Armed Forces, Report


The present article aims to present the relationship between President Getúlio Vargas and the Navy in the 1930s. It seeks to discuss the unfolding of the military institution with the arrival of Vargas the leadership of the nation through the movement of 1930 and later support of the military in the establishment of Estado Novo, a regime based on authoritarianism. The events of the early 1930s solidified the bases of the Vargas regime of 1937, as they fostered a rapprochement between members of the high military leadership who, in addition to seeking to maintain discipline in military institutions, saw the arrival and permanence of Vargas at the helm of a “solution” to the “lag” faced by military means since the First Republic.
