Republican feelings in naval thoughts

the participation of Navy officers in the implantation of the Brazilian Republic

  • Gláucia Soares de Moura Primeiro-Tenente do Quadro Técnico da Marinha do Brasil. Bacharelado em Museologia pela UNIRIO. Bacharelado em Historia pela UERJ. Especialização em Supervisão Escolar pela UFRJ. Especialização em História Militar pela UNIRIO.
Keywords: Histoy, Navy, Republic


This essay aims to evidence the participation of the Brazilian Navy in the episodes that preceded the Proclamation of the Republic and its consolidation during the period known as the “Republic of the Swords” (1889-1894). From social, cultural, economical and political context, the historical facts are approached through the thinking, the sentiments and the actions of some of the officers that directly influenced the destination of the Republican Navy.
