O Prince D. Pedro and Jorge de Avilez on board the Fragata União, by Oscar Pereira da Silva
the Independence in belone tones
This article aims to discuss the intentions that presided over the production of the painting Prince D. Pedro and Jorge de Avilez on board the Fragata União, by Oscar Pereira da Silva and destined for the Paulista Museum that was in the process of remodeling for the centenary celebrations of the Independence in 1922. It’s seeks to attentive to the visual and textual sources that guided the composition, its affinity with the decorative program undertaken by Afonso d’Escragnolle Taunay – commissioner of the painting and director of the Museum at the time. It also seeks to demonstrate the loans, adaptations, solutions and choices of visual models that guided Pereira da Silva at the moment of giving visuality, “materiality” to such a historical scene portrayed by his brushes, supervised by the commander Afonso Taunay.