A The music in the Brazilian Navy at the end of 19th Century

from the quartels to the ships in the commission

  • Anderson de Rieti Santa Clara dos Santos Graduado em Licenciatura em História pela Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana. Pós-Graduação em Lato Sensu em História Militar Brasileira pela Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade Federal Fluminense. Capitão-Tenente do Quadro Técnico da Marinha. Serve na Diretoria do Patrimônio Histórico e Documentação da Marinha.
Keywords: Musical practices, Military music, Brazilian Navy, 19th century


The presence of musical ensembles aboard the ships of the Brazilian Navy in commissions of visits and di-plomatic representations in other countries of the late nineteenth century shows how the Navy sought to compose such ensembles in terms of personnel and material and aimed at training its musicians for the practices that would take place in terrestrial units and in belonaves. Such practices, initially scattered in time and space during the nineteenth century, became more present from the initial experiences as the smaller apprentices in the Arsenal of Navy of the Court. Soon after, more systematic with the institution of the band of the Corps of Imperials Seamen and the teaching of music in the Companies of Apprentice at the end of the Eighth. It is a context in which music education in Brazil is a function of institutions central to this purpose, such as the Imperial Music Conservatory, founded in 1848, but which also takes place in other spaces, such as the Brazilian Navy.
