Joaquim Vicente Foro, Master shipbuilder (act. 1761-1796)
The Brazilian covered galiotes and the corvette of Belém’s Royal Arsenal, (Brazil)
18th Century Naval architecture, Joaquim Vicente Foro, covered galiotes, corvette, Belém do Pará Shipyard (Brazil)
Although unknown, Vicente Foro (act. 1761-1796) was an important master and shipbuilder at Belem’s Royal Arsenal, whose work is re-markably ichnographically documented. Apart from the project of the main Pará covered ca-noes, built from 1773 onwards, of singular im-portance is the drawing of the “Ship Plan” of a corvette, in 1786, which constitutes a very rare and unprecedented testimony of eighteenth--century Portuguese-Brazilian Naval Architec-ture and shipbuilding, which is here examined.