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The present study aims to analyze, through a literature review, the mechanism of development of Bacterial Endocarditis (EB). A literature search will be carried out using the databases PUBMED, LILACS, CAPES Journal Portal, Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SCIELO) and Regional Library of Medicine (BIREME), covering the period of the last 10 years, in the different languages available and with selected descriptors. After the searches in August 2020, an analysis of the title, summary and removal of duplicates was carried out. Finally, 16 studies were found and a detailed reading was performed. The findings show that the imbalance of dental biofilms due to poor oral hygiene in problems with heart problems, is the main factor of bacterial virulence, since they form an ecological niche, with several bacteria that, when becoming pathogenic, release inflammatory mediators / adhesins and expand to the host, developing diseases, such as EB. The literature review aimed to provide greater knowledge to health professionals, emphasizing the importance of multidisciplinary professions, such as integrative medicine and dentistry, in combating future incidences of EB, based on the understanding about the bacterial action devices that make it possible.
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