Radioactive accident with Cesium 137

Navy participation in assisting victims


  • Sonia Fonseca Rocha Graduada pela Escola de Enfermagem Anna Nery, da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), com pós-graduação em Administração Hospitalar, pela Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), a Capitão de Mar e Guerra da Reserva da Marinha atualmente é assessora da Diretoria-Geral do Pessoal da Marinha (DGPM).


Radioactive Accident, Cesium 137, Goiânia, Brazilian Navy, Naval Hospital Marcílio Dias, Medical Treatment, Radioactive Disinfection


This article presents the work of the team’s Naval Hospital Marcílio Dias (HNMD) – reference in the treatment to radiate-accident victims – with the collaboration of professionals from the National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN), in relief of the 14 casualties in the accident seriously contaminated with radiological Cesium137 in the city of Goiania in 1987. The author of this article was chief nurse of the Naval Hospital Marcílio Dias and also head of the team that attended to patients.

