The naval council in the eight hundred

proposals for the study of the relationship between civilians and military in the Empire


  • Renato Jorge Paranhos Restier Júnior Historiador e mestrando em História Política pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Primeiro-Tenente do Quadro Técnico Temporário da Marinha, Encarregado da Divisão de Pesquisas Históricas da Diretoria do Patrimônio Histórico e Documentação da Marinha. Sócio Honorário do Instituto de Geografia e História Militar do Brasil – IGHMB – e pesquisador associado do Laboratório de Estudos das Diferenças e Desigualdades Sociais – LEDDES/UERJ.


Empire of Brazil, Navy, Naval Council


This essay aims to propose some reflections about the possibilities of study on the military and military institutions from the social history. Using the Naval Council, an advisory body created in the organizational structure of the Secretariat of State for the Navy in the Second Empire, we propose the study of the relationship between civilians and military from the first insertion of the military. In addition to widespread ignorance about the role of this institution to the Navy Ministry and the Imperial State in general, does not know the role of the Naval Council of monarchy among the institutions through which circulated the elites of the Empire, because, since its Initially, the institution in question was occupied by great personalities such as the Viscount of Rio Branco and Zacarias de Goes e Vasconcelos.

