From springfield to the guitar, from the mortar to the tambourine

sambas, marches and reminiscences in the gongs composed by Regimento Sampaio members of Brazilian Expedicionary Force in 1945 and 1966


  • Wanderson Ramonn Pimentel Dantas Licenciado em História pela Universidade Federal do Piauí – UFPI; mestrando em História do Brasil pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em História do Brasil – PPGHB – ligado à instituição anterior.


Brazilian Expeditionary Force, History, Sambas


This research analyzes the songs performed in the form of sambas and marches composed by veterans of the 1st Infantry Regiment, the Sampaio Regiment. These songs were recorded in two moments: “Sambas produced in the Italian Campaign” and “Expeditioners in rhythms”. Following a bibliographical aspect, we intend to approach the symbolic character of Monte Castelo in the songs, and to explain why the presence in the reminiscences. At another point in the research, the objective is to situate the audio documents in time, to understand the circumstances of the historical moment in which the song was composed, and the interpreta-tions performed by the veterans in 1945 and 1966.

