Evolution of Physical Education in the Brazilian Army


  • Luiz Fernando Medeiros Nóbrega Coronel de Cavalaria do Exército Brasileiro, graduado em Educação Física (EsEFEx), Mestre em Ciência da Motricidade Humana (UCB), Mestre em Ciências Militares (ECEME), Comandante da Escola de Educação Física do Exército (EsEFEx).
  • Mauro B. G. Secco Coronel de Artilharia do Exército Brasileiro, graduado em Educação Física (EsEFEx), Centro de Capacitação Física do Exército (CCFEx).


Physical Education, Brazilian Army, History of Military Sports


The aim of this paper is to approach briefly the evolution of Physical Education in the Brazilian Army, detailing main landmarks, your history, and current structure and functioning of the Brazilian Army (EB) Military Organizations responsible for the activity. It was found, in this study, the strong military presence throughout the history of physical education in Brazil, also inserting up information on achievements in the field of sports, as well as the Brazilian military performance in international military competitions. It was concluded by the importance of the military in the context of national physical education.

