The emergence of physical education in military media

A comparative study between the Navy and the Brazilian Army


  • Erik Bueno de Ávila Bacharelado em Educação Física pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Especialização em Curso Avançado de Gestão Esportiva e Atividades Motoras Adaptadas.
  • Raphael de Mattos Soares Graduado em Educação Física pelas Faculdades Integradas Maria Thereza. Especializado em Atividade Física Adaptada e Saúde (UGF) e MBA em Gestão de Academia (FACINTER).
  • Bruna Medeiros Neves Mestre em Ciências da Atividade Física (UNIVERSO), Pós-graduada em Gestão e Marketing Esportivo (Ibmec), Graduada em Educação Física (UNIVERSO).


Physical Education, Military Physical Education, Physical Education in Brazil


Physical Education in Brazil emerged from military influence aiming to disseminate its practice throughout the extent of the territory with the main objective of creating a culture of “body” the Brazilian people. Navy and Army were the first institutions in the development of Military Training Schools in physical education, however, adopted different actions for their development. The aim of this study was to compare the strands and the direction taken by these two institutions acting as the same front PE in Brazil. It was observed that the Army was influenced by German and French missions and followed a more academic direction of physical education, while the Navy with strong influence of the Swedish and North American mission, directed their actions to the regulation and organization of the sport, especially water. Currently, both contribute to the development of Physical Education across the country.

