Recuperação da memória imagética de artefatos retirados de sítios de naufrágios no litoral de Pernambuco entre 1950 e 2000

  • Carlos Celestino Rios e Souza Capitão de Fragata (Ref-T), Arqueólogo Subaquático e Professor do Departamento de Arqueologia/ CFCH-UFPE.
  • Amanda de Azevêdo Cavalcanti Tavares Bacharel em Arqueologia; CFCH-UFPE.
Keywords: Archaeological artifacts, Shipwrecks, Imagetic registration


The present work concerns in the localization and identification of archaeological artifacts taken from shipwrecks off the coast of Pernambuco by divers, in the rescue of the tragic history part and shipwrecks of Pernambuco identified by historiography, as well as the and imagetic registration of the artifacts found in private collections between 1950 and 2000, to initiate reference collections and contribute with news data to the archaeological shipwrecks chart of Pernambuco.
