Study of the quality of titanium pins for dental implants usíng energy díspersíve x-ray fluorescence (ed-xrf) Estudo da qualidade de pinos de titânio para implantes odontológicos utilizando a fluorescência de raios x por dispersão de energia

Main Article Content

Gabriel G. Severo
Claudio R. Comunian
Arno H. de Oliveira


The use of biomaterials is very common for dental implant surgery in arder to recover the a esthetics and function of the affected area. For the success of the implant using a biomaterial, it must have good resistance to wear and corrosion in the body environment and does not present toxicity. ln the human body the bone degeneration, as well as the wear or corrosion ofthe implants, often leads to clinicai complications. The aim of this study is to use the Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (ED-XRF) technique to analyse the purity of the titanium pins used in dental implants that did not undergo osseointegration, establishing a relationship between the composition of the impurities found in implants and adverse biological response. This system consists of an X-ray tube of Moxtek brand and a semiconductor detector SR-lOOCR of Amptek brand. The results of the analyzes of the pins, from various manufacturers, collected in different courses and dental clinics, showed that the pins have high purity Ti (99%) and the elements considered as impurities (Ca, Cr, Fe, Ni and W) were evidenced in trace levei ( <1%) and the major technological developments in national
companies in the manufacture of pins allows the production of high quality and purity pins. The results
a l s o  s u p p o r t e d  t h e  c o n c l u s i o n  t h a t  n o osseointegration of the implants, cannot be attributed to impurity of titanium pins, but other factors, such as:inadequate hygiene of the surgical site, overloading, infection around the implant, instability at installation time, inadequate surgical technique. 

Article Details

How to Cite
Study of the quality of titanium pins for dental implants usíng energy díspersíve x-ray fluorescence (ed-xrf): Estudo da qualidade de pinos de titânio para implantes odontológicos utilizando a fluorescência de raios x por dispersão de energia. (2019). Naval Dental Jounal, 43(1).
Original Article
Author Biography

Gabriel G. Severo

Cirurgião-Dentista - Especialista em Implantodontia - Mestre e Doutorando em Ciências das Radiações - Aplicações na Saúde voltado para Implantodontia. Professor do Curso de Odontologia da Faculdade de Ilhéus na disciplina de Semiologia e Diagnóstico e Clínica Integrada I e II.

How to Cite

Study of the quality of titanium pins for dental implants usíng energy díspersíve x-ray fluorescence (ed-xrf): Estudo da qualidade de pinos de titânio para implantes odontológicos utilizando a fluorescência de raios x por dispersão de energia. (2019). Naval Dental Jounal, 43(1).

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