Occupational exposure to chemical substances and oral health results of the Nationa Health Survey 2013
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Introduction. Exposure to chemicals in the workplace has been linked to oral diseases. Objective. Examine the association between handling chemicals and the perception of oral health in a sample of Brazilian workers. Method. Cross-sectional study used data from the National Health Survey (PNS), carried out in 2013, in Brazil. The sample of 36,442 workers, of both sexes, age ≥18 years. Socioeconomic, demographic, occupational characteristics, lifestyle and health status were described. Perception of oral health was considered a variable outcome. Occupational exposure to chemicals, the explanatory variable. Bivariate and multivariate analyzes were performed using the Stata version 12.0 statistical program. Results. Age, race / color and region of residence were significantly associated with a higher prevalence of negative self-rated oral health. Higher prevalence of negative self-rated oral health among individuals exposed to chemicals (PR = 1.15 [1.10-1.21] for males and PR = 1.23 [1.16-1.31] for males women). These associations remained significant in the multivariate model for both sexes. Conclusion. Higher prevalence of negative perception of oral health among workers exposed to the handling of chemicals in the workplace.
Key-words: Occupational health; Occupational exposure; Public health dentistry; Dental health surveys; Cross-sectional studies.
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