Humanization in the Scope of Academic Training of Undergraduate Students in Dentistry, Nursing and Medicine in the Light of Pedagogical Political Projects A Humanização no Escopo da Formação Acadêmica dos Graduandos em Odontologia, Enfermagem e Medicina à Luz dos Projetos Político-Pedagógicos
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One of the greatest challenges in the health professional training is to be aware of the importance of humanization in care, in which, in addition to valuing care in its technical and scientific dimensions, they also recognize patients’ rights, their subjectivity, individuality and autonomy. This work aimed to identify and analyze, through documentary research, the presence of the term humanization in the Political Pedagogical Projects and Curricular Guidelines of the Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing courses of the Federal Fluminense University. A descriptive exploratory research was carried out with a qualitative approach. The documentary analysis showed an approximation with the theme in the three courses studied, but with important variations regarding the method of application of the theoretical-practical content, throughout the training process. In this perspective, the Medicine course presented a more homogeneous distribution of the contents related to the term humanization found in its obligatory subjects. It was also possible to perceive the commitment of the courses to contemplate the New Curricular Guidelines, with humanization as a priority element in the construction of new relationships among students, teachers, users of the services and the local Public Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS). It is concluded that the three courses studied present an approxima-tion with the theme, strive to incorporate the presuppositions of humanization, such as: ethics, respect, acceptance, and seek a closer approximation between the subjects involved in the construction of new relations among students, teachers and users of the services and the local SUS.
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