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Amanda Pires Vidal
Matheus Silva do Nascimento


Currently, dentistry seeks treatments that restore function and aesthetics of a patient's teeth, also taking into account the biological factors involved in oral health. Contemporary treatments look for interaction between professionals in a multidisciplinary way with the application of various techniques based on scientific knowledge that has allowed professionals to achieve surprising results. Prosthetic rehabilitation treatment can be challenging in several aspects, especially in adult patients, with tooth loss and periodontal problems. In this sense, the search for a sum of good results leads the team to join specialties such as Periodontics, Dentistry, Prosthesis, Implantology, Oral Maxillofacial Surgery and Orthodontics. The present study aims to address the current aspects of pre-prosthetic orthodontic treatment, through a literature review, with a multidisciplinary view, emphasizing the main advantages, indications and ways to establish a treatment plan appropriate to the patient in a integral e effective way. In addition, this study addressescurrent issues of orthodontic movements in patients with anterior dental agenesis and the use of mini-implants, which are temporary anchorage devices highly recommended in clinical practice.

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How to Cite
Pires Vidal, A., & Silva do Nascimento, M. (2022). PREPROSTHETIC ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT. Naval Dental Jounal, 48(2). Retrieved from
Literature Reviews


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