Military Malthusianism and the strategic partnership in the FX-2 program
Military Malthusianism, Strategic Partnership, FX-2 Program, National Defense StrategyAbstract
Jurgen Brauer and Paul Dunne detect in Military
Malthusianism a vulnerability in the occurrence of offsets.
This vulnerability is perceived from the fact that the unit
cost of large arms systems increases faster than government
budget revenues. One of the consequences of this fact is the
governments’ search for greater economic efficiency through
the globalization of the production and acquisition of arms.
If in one hand this theory affirms that we will see more
and more unconventional conflicts, on the other it justifies
the construction of strategic partnerships in the production
of weapons systems, such as the Brazil-Sweden Strategic
Partnership, under the FX-2 Program. Thus, this article seeks
to evaluate the presence of Military Malthusianism in the
Brazilian case, the compliance of the Brazil-Sweden Strategic
Partnership with the National Defense Strategy (END, in
Portuguese), and analyzes the role of this Partnership in the
FX-2 Program.