Tracing the Chinese wargame knowledge and application within strategic thinking frameworks


  • Sabrina Medeiros Lusófona University, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Luis Campani InterAgency Institute, Lisboa, Portugal

Palabras clave:

Belt & Road, China, Wargaming


The study to be presented is about observing the war and crisis games research domain regarding the Chinese BRI (Belt and Road Initiative).
In this respect, it will be necessary to detect the trends and uses of wargaming as a tool to train and predict, considering the state of the
art of discipline. Given the transitions and developments of Chinese
projection in the international system, it is intended to qualify how
the arrangements under development collaborate with the project to
expand the influence of the Belt and Road Initiative. Likewise, there is
the need to segment the principles and models in progress for a possible
exploratory typification derived from the study. For this purpose,
we use primary and secondary sources related to the government
structure and the intelligentsia system, primarily from think tanks
and universities. As such, the understanding is that observing the
characteristics in progress can allow for estimating the synergies
or gaps between the model of influence and expansion in progress
and the domain of wargaming developments. Then, we highlight
that the wargaming knowledge is part of building upon the national
security agenda to uphold Chinese international participation from the
constitution of the Chinese national identity. Furthermore, we identify
ways wargaming could help with the challenges and opportunities in
the literature on BRI. We note that alongside the wargaming national
security perspective, the technical training apparatus marks an
influential trend for Chinese defense development by the West.

