A qualidade do ar em ambientes hospitalares
uma revisão da literatura
Particulate material, Environmental biomarkers, Air quality control, HospitalsAbstract
The importance of indoor air quality (IAQ) doesn't involve any contestation, being extremely relevant in the context of hospital spaces. This article proposes an integrative literature review on the theme, based on the search for articles indexed in the PubMed database, published between 20T2 and 2017, with the objective of analyzing the scientific production related to air quality and its identification processes, treatment, related structure and legislation applied to hospital environments. All articles analyzed indicate the implications of IAQ to hospital public and their relationship to the particulate matter concentration. Different groups and research institutions have been seeking to evaluate this issue, however the analytical methods adopted are essentially experimental, demonstrating the need for expansion, standardization of processes and indicators and even revision of the current legislation. In this perspective, the use of new biological indicators, such as the pollen grain, can collaborate with to the deepening of the knowledge and the effectiveness of the monitoring and surveillance processes of the IAQ.