Palliative care and bereavement in home care
a comparative study in patients with pain unwieldy and patient in pain control in advanced disease
Palliative care, Quality of life, DeathAbstract
The objectives of this study were to identify the experiences of patients with pain unwieldy and patient in pain control in advanced disease; and characterize the development of patient mourning in advanced disease with pain control and difficult to manage pain. The methodology was retrospective, qualitative and descriptive, using the Content´s Analysis reports of patients at an advanced stage with pain control and intense pain in home care. The pain in patients in an advanced state brought changes in physical, emotional, social and spiritual aspects. It changed the experience and elaboration of mourning of himself to a direction of a more traumatic grief. Pay attention to the effects of intense pain in patients in advanced stages seems to be a relevant point to reach practices that seek to meet the specifics that arise in the process of Palliative Care to guaranteeing quality of life and dignity in dying.