The Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

contributions to the Brazilian Navy biomedical research

  • Roberta Escaleira
Keywords: Sistema musculoesquelético, Peixe-zebra, Toxicidade, Monitoramento ambiental, Desenvolvimento experimental


Danio rerio, zebrafish, “paulistinha” or zebrafish is a freshwater vertebrate, originating from Asia, widely used inbiomedical research. It is a geneticallymanipulable, optically clear modelthroughout embryonic development, and themaintenance is economically viable. This article aims to address the main advantages that qualify zebrafish, as model, in different lines of research in the biomedical area, as well as the possibility of employing theexperimental model in the scope of theBrazilian Navy. The fish allows to performgenetic editing and manipulation techniquesand the use of zebrafish transgenic lines inrecent studies brings advances for biomedicalresearch. The model has also been used inresearch in areas of developmental biology,neurosciences, among others, because, dueto its unique combination of genetic and cytological studies, it can be used as an experimental model for the study of human pathologies, such as cardiac and metabolic diseases in studies of skeletal muscle repair, behavioral studies, studies of mechanisms involved in tumor processes, toxicological tests, pre-clinical trials for drug development and environmental monitoring. The implantation of zebrafish in the Institute of Biomedical Research of the Hospital Naval Marcílio Dias will allow in vivo tests using, as rodents' option, an experimental model that assumes the leading position in biomedical research worldwide. Keywords: Zebrafish. Musculoskeletal system . Toxicity. Environmental monitoring. Experimental development. Pharmaceutical preparations

How to Cite
Escaleira, R. (2020). The Zebrafish (Danio rerio). Arquivos Brasileiros De Medicina Naval, 78(1), 43-48. Retrieved from