Between Fishermen and Cannons, the War reached the Coast

The Experience of Soldiers in the Transformation of Brazilian Coastal Artillery (1942-1945)


  • Sandro Teixeira Moita Professor de História. Bacharel e Licenciado em História (UFF, 2003), Especialista em História Militar Brasileira (UNIRIO, 2011), Mestre em História Social (UNIRIO, 2013) e Doutorando em Ciências Militares (ECEME).
  • Rogério de Amorim Gonçalves Escola de Comando e Estado-Maior do Exército. Coronel da Reserva (R/1) do Exército Brasileiro. Especialista em História Militar Brasileira (UNIRIO, 2011) e Mestre em Ciências Militares (ECEME, 2020).


Soldiers of the Beach, Coastal Artillery, Battle of the Atlantic, World War II


The attacks of German submarines along the Brazilian coast, in the context of the Battle of the Atlantic within the Second World War, imposed high costs on Brazil in human lives and material losses. Such actions led the country to join the war on the side of the Allies, especially through the diplomatic effort of the United States of America, which allowed access to modern military material for Brazil. This stimulated the growth of Coastal Artillery, a specialized Army branch dedicated to the defense of the coast, with the activation of units in several points of the coast, especially after the torpedoing of two ships, Baependy and Itagiba, killing Army personnel. This took thousands of soldiers to the coast, where together with civilians, they experienced tension, fear and constant pressure, only to be forgotten at the end of the war.

