In the middle of the Battle of the Atlantic, in 1942, Brazil was visited by Frank Knox, Secretary of the US Navy


  • Giovanni Latfalla Tenente-Coronel R/1 do Exército Brasileiro. Doutor em Ciência Política pela Universidade Cândido Mendes (UCAM). Mestre em História pela Universidade Severino Sombra (USS). Ex-professor de História dos Colégios Militares do Recife, Rio de Janeiro e Juiz de Fora.


Getúlio Vargas, Alignment, Defense


This article aims to show the behind the scenes and unusual events that occurred during the visit of the United States Navy Secretary, Frank Knox, and his numerous delegation, to Brazil, in September 1942, in the middle of the Battle of the Atlantic, and shortly after the Vargas government declare war on the Axis. Based on unpublished sources, which help to show the complexity of the alignment process between the two countries during World War II and the concern with the joint effort to defend the western hemisphere.

