Production conditions of medieval mappaemundi


  • Paulo Roberto Soares de Deus Doutor em História pela Universidade de Brasília, atualmente exerce a função de Analista do CNPq responsável pelo Programa Básico de Pesquisa em História, além de Coordenador-Substituto de Ciências Humanas e Sociais.


Cartography, world map, Church


One can see maps as a “look on the space”. An ample definition that inserts these objects in the history of perception and representation of the space. The medieval world-maps, to be adequately understood, must be inserted in its specific context and visual culture. They were not only objects of space indication, but representations of the symbolic values of that society. Made by or under guardianship of the Church, they incorporated the values of the civilizationnal project of the clergy. They were defined for carrying of a superior Truth, revealing the correct shape of the world.

