The creation and development of the Maritime Policy and Strategy Course (C-PEM) of the Escola de Guerra Naval


  • Cláudio de Carvalho Silveira Doutor em Ciências Sociais pela Unicamp e Pós-Doutor pela Unesp. Atualmente é Professor do Departamento de Ciências Sociais e Educação da UERJ e pesquisador associado do GEDES-Unesp-Franca e do NEE-Unicamp.


Education, Brazilian Navy, Politic and Estrategy


The article is an approach about the Course of Politics and Maritime Strategy (C-PEM) of the School of Naval War (EGN) since to his creation and the curricular modifications made in consequence of the social changes and institucionais to the long one of the century XX. We present the preceding of the course, the reasons of his establishment and development, second were stipulated by the brazilian Navy. The text was extracted of the doctorate’tesis of the author about the formation of the brazilian naval oficers, superficially modified for this publication.

