The uses of historical cartography in textbooks


  • André Figueiredo Rodrigues Mestre e doutorando em História pela Universidade de São Paulo. Professor de Metodologia do curso de Letras das Faculdades Integradas de Ciências Humanas, Saúde e Educação de Guarulhos, bolsista FAPESP e autor dos livros Como elaborar referência bibliográfica, Como elaborar citações e notas de rodapé e Como elaborar e apresentar monografias, publicados pela Associação Editorial Humanitas / FFLCH-USP.


Schoolbook, Historical Cartography, Territorial Cartography


The aim of this article is to analyze the main uses of Historical Cartography in schoolbooks. In the University, themes of nautical, urban and territorial cartography permeate the discussions in the areas of History and Geography. But in the subsequent educational levels cartographic discussions almost disappear from the classrooms. This is due to the absence of such material in the textbooks, to the teacher's difficulties concerning the discussions on the theme and the lack of cartographic knowledge. So, it will be here analyzed the uses of territorial cartography in the schoolbooks of History, focusing upon the constitution of the Brazilian colonial geographical space as presented by the following sources: Alfredo Boulos Júnior's History: society & citizenship , Claudino Vicentino and Gianpaolo Dorigo's History for the High School, and Francisco M. P. Teixeira's Brazil: history and society.

