For a historiography on the Trindade Island Question (1895-1896)


  • Carlos Luis Marques Castanheira da Cruz Historiador e professor, dedica-se à pesquisa em História das Fortificações, mantendo homepage sobre fortificações do Brasil desde 1999. Colaborou no Projeto do CD-Rom “Anhatomirim e centenas de outras fortificações no Brasil e no mundo”, da UFSC (2001). Concluiu o Mestrado em História (Linha de Política e Relações Internacionais) em 2005 na UERJ.


History of the Outer Relations, Historiography, Trindade Island


In the line of studies about Political History, the present work has the purpose to present elements about an historiographical revision about the Question of the Trinity Island (1895-1896), in a double aspect, in History of Brazil. It focuses theoretical historiographic aspects about the matter, proceeding to a panoramic view on the files and respective essential soucers to a historiographical analysis, as well as refers aspects little exploited or left to second degree by the classical historiography. In complement, it will be presented explanatory notes and a Bibliography for consultation about specific subject.

