Contributions to a portuguese naval historiography

the book Instruções para a Brigada Real da Marinha, principiando pela escola do Soldado até a de Pelotão and the training of Portuguese Royal Navy soldiers in the early years of the 19th century


  • Fábio Neves Luiz Laurentino Historiador. Mestre em História Militar pela Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (FLUL) e Doutorando em História Marítima pela Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (FLUL) e Escola Naval (EN). E-mail:


Brigada Real da Marinha, instruction compendium, amphibious warfare


The following article aims to show the naval military instruction given to a recruit soldier, incorporated into military life, used in the early nineteenth century by the corps dedicated to manning the artillery of warships and acting as landing infantry for the Portuguese Royal Navy, the Brigada Real da Marinha. In order to bring to light experiences of insertion in a new world, the military world (based on its own characteristics and ethos), the book Instruções para a Brigada Real da Marinha, principiando pela escola do soldado até a de pelotão, a compendium of contemporary instructions such as policies for the reorganization and modernization of a Navy, at the time.

