The “riches of the world”

Greed and science in the botanical gardens of Cayenne and Belém of Pará (1790-1803)


  • Nívia Pombo Possui graduação em História pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (1998) e mestrado em História Social pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (2002). Atuou como pesquisadora da revista Nossa História de 2003 a 2006 e na Revista de História da Biblioteca Nacional de 2007 a 2009. No momento, desenvolve projeto de Doutorado na Universidade Federal Fluminense.


Scientific exploration, Smuggling, Botanical Gardens of Belem do Para and Cayenne


The Botanical Gardens of Belém do Pará were created in 1796 as a warehouse for smuggling plants and seeds from the gardens of Cayenne. The activity managed by the state as part in the reform plans. The greed for those plants and seeds was because of the widespread belief that agriculture would be a tool for economic uplift. All through crop diversification and expansion of production. In times of crisis this action was meant to restore mercantile ties and the realm’s balance of trade.

