Eastern Naval Division

The Imperial Navy on the Coast of Africa


  • Marcelo Rodrigues de Oliveira Primeiro-Tenente do Quadro Técnico, graduado em História pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Possui o curso de pós-graduação em História das Relações Internacionais pela mesma Universidade. Atualmente exerce a função de pesquisador no Departamento de História da Diretoria do Patrimônio Histórico e Documentação da Marinha.


slave traffic, imperial navy, naval division of the east


The purpose of this article consists essentially to analyze the Navy Division of the East performance, base that the Imperial Navy established in the Africa coast in resulting from diplomatic agreements accomplished in 1826 and 1827 between the Brazil’s Empire and the United Kingdom. The essential question of these agreements involved a specifically British interest: the suppression of the African slaves trading. On the other hand, in function to de Cisplatina War (1825-1828), the Brazil needed of the English support to maintain the navy blockade of the River Plate. The Imperial Navy established in the African seashore to supposedly to inspect the intense slave traffic, consummated the foreign policy decisions of the young country and effectively accomplished a dual duty: dissuaded the United Kingdom about the cooperation in relation the reduction and subsequent suppression of the slave traffic and protected the Brazilian trading against pirate’s attacks.

