José Bonifácio e o Poder Naval Imperial no Processo de Independência


  • Francisco Eduardo Alves de Almeida


Independence; Sea Power; Jose Bonifacio; War of Independence.


The purpose of this article is to discuss the role of José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva in the process of Brazilian independence and the use of sea power for the consolidation of the Brazilian State. The personal and political trajectory of Bonifácio is discussed from his birth in Santos in 1763 to his decline in 1824 when he clashed with Emperor Dom Pedro because of his personal and political conduct contrary to what Bonifácio believed to be the fairest and correct for Brazil. This approach is based on the Sidney Hook theory on the Great Men in History.The role of an autochthonous sea power was amply demonstrated according to Bonifácio's perception in the consolidation of the Brazilian State and Nation. As a complement to what was presented, we discuss what constituted being a Brazilian citizen in 1822 during the independence process and the lessons learned from the use of sea power in the creation of the new State of the Empire of Brazil.

