The conflicts of illicit trade and the Brazilian Navy


  • Gustavo Pinto de Sousa Mestrando em História Política pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Bolsista Capes. Pesquisador Associado do Laboratório de Estudos das Diferenças e Desigualdades Sociais – LEDDES/UERJ.


illicit trade, slavery, navy


This article aims to discuss the conflicts of the illicit trade and the Brazilian Marine, between the years 1831 to 1850. The thrust of this plot is the approval of the law of 07 november 1831 and the unfolding of policy in relation to the slave trade Atlantic. Learned slave ships, Africans are free and the process of nationality appears as important for the understanding of the political, social and economic, in terms the vicissitudes of the complex system of slavery. Finally, the “infamous trade” enjoyed this work, explores the networks of power that slavery has raised in the imperial policy.

