Arthur Bispo Antes do Rosário

a saga de um marinheiro nordestino entre o boxe e o convés através dos jornais cariocas (1928-1938)


  • Anderson da Silva Almeida


Arthur Bispo do Rosário; Trajectory; Sailor; Boxing; Newspapers


The life trajectories built from the relationships between history, memories and the various sources - printed or not - have constituted a fertile field in the Brazilian historiography of the 21st century. Without falling into the trap of what Pierre Bourdieu called a “biographical illusion” (Bourdieu, 1998) countless authors, regardless of the theoretical dimension with which they dialogue, have been dedicating themselves to producing research that articulates individuals and collectivities, subjects and contexts, the self and the we. In dialogue with this perspective, this text presents an effort to explore this type of approach from the character Arthur Bispo do Rosário, who from the 1980s onwards came to be highlighted as a genius who lived between art and madness, for having lived as an intern in Rio de Janeiro – after being diagnosed with schizophrenia - for more than four decades. In this article, the emphasis will be on the period in which the northeastern and black character was a member of the Brazilian Navy and a boxing athlete. The focus is on the period 1928-1938. The main sources are the newspapers of the mentioned period that were digitized and are available in the Hemeroteca Digital Brasileira, as well as the specialized bibliography on the character, particularly the contributions of Flávia Copas (2014).

