La campaña militar de Coro y el bloqueo naval:
las acciones terrestres y marítimas que neutralizan la Revolución de Coro (1874-1875).
Campaña militar, Bloqueo naval, Venezuela, Ejército, Siglo XIX.Abstract
This section analyzes the military campaign and naval blockade led by General Antonio Guzmán Blanco through the operations of the Coro Campaign, northwest of Venezuela, between 1874 and 1875. The use of war steamers in the National Squad allowed maximum mobility of the units of the infantry corps and the supply in their destination area, this was part of the logistics in modern warfare. Steam warships became primary means of transporting troops given the lack of expedited land communication routes. In short, the constitutional forces went from leading small divisions to permanent Army Corps, with a greater number and better endowment in organization and weapons, which allowed Guzmán Blanco to consolidate himself in central power for eighteen years (1870-1888).