International Law and the Paraguayan War

the treaties which sealed the peace


  • Barbara Dias Barbosa Graduada em Direito pela Fundação Escola Superior do Ministério Público (FMP), pós-graduada em Direito Militar e Direito Processual Civil pelo IBRA e pós-graduanda em Direito Internacional pelo Complexo Educacional Damásio de Jesus.


Triple Alliance War, International treaty, Diplomacy


The Paraguayan War was the biggest international armed conflict staged in the South American region. The alliances that were sealed in the Rio de la Plata region before the conflict were decisive to determine not only the aftermath but also the geopolitical rearrangement after the war. In this light, the international treaties signed before and during the Triple Alliance War also settled those which were concluded in the post-war. Since the international treaties of 1851 signed by the Uruguayan government, the Triple Alliance Treaty and its bypass by the Brazilian Empire in sealing a bilateral peace, until the ultimate agreement on borders between Paraguayans and Argentinians, in 1876, diplomacy and International Law were the main tools in redesigning political relations and geography, influencing the coming years of the Southern Cone.

