Brazil in pre-Portuguese cartography


  • Paulo Márcio Leal de Menezes Possui graduação em Engenharia de Geodésia e Topografia pelo Instituto Militar de Engenharia (1977), graduação em Engenharia pela Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras(1969), mestrado em Sistemas e Computação pelo Instituto Militar de Engenharia (1987) e doutorado em Geografia pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2000). Atualmente é professor adjunto da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Vice-Presidente para Assuntos Internacionais da Sociedade Brasileira de Cartografia e Vice-Presidente da Associação Cartográfica Internacional.


historical cartography pre Lusitanian, name Brazil, mystical islands


The name Brazil is known almost since the twelfth century, quoted in various legal documents, lists of tariffs and trade, mainly in Italy and France ancient. As a place name, the name is present in Brazil cartographic references from at least 1325, on a map due to the Genoese cartographer Angellinus Dalorto coming to repeat its representation widely until the fifteenth century, without being related to the new discoveries that have occurred over the new continent, especially in documents prepared by cosmographers of Italian and Catalonia. Research shows and an extensive bibliography cites the existence of the toponym cartographic references, mainly as an island with names on a variety of spellings, including: Brazil, Berzil, Brace, Brazil, Brace, Brasillis, Brezill, Brazail. This paper aims to show the mapping pre Lusitanian, with its references to Brazil, where they can be accessed for study. This will show the main factors that were to influence the Portuguese cartography, immediately after discovery. On the other hand aims to promote and inform about this area of historical and cartographic research, as a motivation for a new generation of researchers.

