Site and company of the City of Salvador in the Bay of Todos Santos (copy)
Document, Painting, SalvadorAbstract
Composition based mainly in green, white, blue, pink, gold and red, it represents the reconquest of Bahia by D. Fadrique de Toledo Osório, in 1625, when the Dutch were expelled. In the foreground, on the left, medallion with scrolls. In the center, several scenes like roads with ox carts and human figures; camps at various points; on the right, human figures on horseback and on foot lined up on the road. There is also vegetation and houses protected by walls. At the pier, 13 vessels formed in a horizontal line. At sea, several vessels with open sails and flags raised; close to them, there are small boats. In the background, mountains. At the top of the screen, a listel suspended by 2 angels, the one on the right with trumpet and the one on the left with helmet and shield, with the inscription: “SITIO Y EMPRESA D LA CIVDAD DL SALVADOR EN LA BAYA DE TODOS SANTOS BY DON FADRIQVE D TOLEDO OSORIO CAP GRLDE LA ARMADA RL Y EXERCITO DL MAR OCEANO Y REYNO D PORTVGAL A XXX DABRIL 1625 REYNANDO DM PHELIPPO IV ”. The painting is a copy of the original by Juan de La Corte and is on display at the Naval Museum. The copy's author is Andrés Ignácio Azaola Pelegri.