The Military and the elaboration of an alternative modernization project for Brazil (1854-1855)


  • Adriana Barreto de Souza Professora associada do Departamento de História e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da UFRRJ. Atualmente, integra o corpo de pesquisadores do Pronex – Dimensões e Fronteiras do Estado Brasileiro; do Núcleo de Estudos da Política (Nuep/UFRRJ); e coordena, em parceria com Celso Castro, o Laboratório de Estudos sobre Militares (LEM/CPDOC-FGV). É autora de livros e artigos científicos sobre a temática “militares”, dentre os quais destacam-se: O Exército na consolidação do Império: um estudo histórico sobre a política militar conservadora, distinguido com o Prêmio Arquivo Nacional de Pesquisa, e publicado em 1999; e Duque de Caxias: o homem por trás do monumento, publicado pela Civilização Brasileira em 2008.


Military Journal, Army, Modernization


In the 1850s, the Court of Rio de Janeiro lived days of optimism. After years of battles, the conservative project was consolidated , ending the provincial revolts. In this context, the newspaper The Military is edited, performing on its pages a very consistent and critical debate on the new order. The historiography traditionally locates in these debates the origin of interventionist formulations that would mark the twentieth century in Brazil. The purpose of this article, however, is to insert these debates in the field of political references of their time. I believe that the articles of The Military expressed the discontent of certain sectors of the Army with the government, which would have led them to review the conservative project. These sectors advocated a modernization founded on a system that should be based on meritocracy and discipline, with the Army as the legitimate guide of the Brazilian civilizing process.

