The cross and the throne

the armistice of Iperoig, the auto of São Lourenço and the Portuguese victory over Antarctic France


  • Marcello Felipe Duarte Bacharel e licenciado em História (UERJ), com especialização em História do Brasil (UFF), História da Arte Sacra (Faculdade de São Bento/RJ), mestrado em História Política (UERJ) e doutorando em História Política (UERJ). Atualmente, é professor e coordenador de História do Colégio Naval.


Antarctic France, Armistice of Iperoig, Play “Auto de São Lourenço”


The Alliance between the Church and the Portuguese Monarchy, through the system of patronage, represented, at the same time, the establishment of the territorial borders and the propagation of religion, which was important to facilitate the colonization of the Portuguese America, mainly in the 16th century. Faced with the threat of Antarctic France, the solution found by the Jesuit leaders was the Armistice of Iperoig, and the most significant effect of which was its contribution to expel the French from Guanabara Bay. The Portuguese victory in this event was later immortalized by Jesuit priest José de Anchieta in his play called “Auto da Festa de São Lourenço”.

