The modernization of the Brazilian Navy at the beginning of the 20th century in the view of the press

the newspapers O Paiz and Correio da Manhã


  • Gabriela Carames Beskow Doutora em Ciências Sociais em Desenvolvimento Agricultura e Sociedade pelo CPDA/UFRRJ. Estudante do Curso de Especialização em História Militar da Unisul. Professora de Ensino Básico, Técnico e Tecnológico da Escola de Aprendizes-Marinheiros de Santa Catarina.


Naval Power, Modernization of the Navy, Press


The present article aims at analizing the press discourse about the modernization of the Brazilian Navy, which occured in the firt decade of the twentieth century. The corpus for analyzes is composed by two major newspappers at that time, which represent opposing political positions: (1) O Paiz (situacionist) and (2) Correio da Manhã (oppsiocionist). Based on the analyses, we reflect on how the modernization preocess was presented to the audience, and the importance attributed by the press to the development os naval power in the context of the Brazilian foreing policy.

