Historiographical assessment of Independence and the armada in national construction

um balanço historiográfico


  • Lucas Lima dos Santos Escola Naval


Homeland, Nation, Historiography


The process of building the State and the Nation in Brazil constitutes a topic of inexhaustible interest and extensive bibliography already published, but which, however, suffers from defects in the Myth of Origins, insisting on a peaceful origin and a predestination to a unified territory, legacy of the Bragança transmigration in 1808. In order to contribute to the study of this subject, this article seeks to provide a historiographical assessment of the Independence of Brazil, highlighting themes such as Nation, Homeland, territorial unity, in addition to the formation of the Imperial Armada itself.

Author Biography

  • Lucas Lima dos Santos, Escola Naval

    Bacharel em Ciências Navais, com habilitação em Eletrônica, pela Escola Naval (EN) onde atualmente é Guarda-Marinha.

