The noble loses his post

the example of José Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque after the naval reform of the Marquis of Pombal


  • Ney Paes Loureiro Malvasio Oficial reformado do Exército Brasileiro, Mestre em História pela UFRJ. Foi professor do Colégio Militar do Rio de Janeiro. Membro do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico de Santos (IHGS). Autor de Distantes Estaleiros: arsenais de Marinha e a reforma naval pombalina (Paco Editorial, 2012), além de artigos publicados na Revista Navigator.


Marquês de Pombal, Naval reform, Salvador Navy Yard, Navy Yard commandant, José Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque


The new Royal Portuguese Navy was born after the Lisbon earthquake, 1755. The Naval reform was intended in the XVII century, during the D. João IV reign. But, this reform didin`t broke out. Only the XVIII century could bring the Naval reform. In another places of the Portuguese Empire another situations broke up, as we bring in this article with the José Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque attempt of became the Salvador Navy Yard commandant; even without conditions for this charge after the Marquês de Pombal Navy revolution.

