The Army General Staff School and its first years of operation (1905-1919)


  • Marcos Fernandes Marcusso Professor efetivo de História do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sul de Minas Gerais (IFSULDEMINAS), Doutorando em Educação do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal de São Carlos.


Military History, Military Educational, Army General Staff School


The Army General Staff School was created in 1905, and its main function was provide Brazilian Army officers to a higher military education that qualified them to serve on the General Staff of the Army. This study aims to analyze the initial operation of the Army General Staff School, and the first determinations of education regulations (1905, 1913-14). This analysis aim identify what type of training was provided to official students, between 1905 to 1919. The study of the Army General Staff School and its regulations, will allow better understand the early formation of the official student of the Brazilian Army.

