Aspects of the development of monitors in the War of the Triple Alliance

a dialogue between Naval History and the History of Technology


  • Carlos André Lopes da Silva Mestre em História pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Social da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e especializado em História Militar Brasileira pela Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Sócio Emérito do Instituto de Geografia e História Militar do Brasil e membro do Laboratório de Estudos de Militares na Política (LEMP-UFRJ).


Ironclads, Imperial Brazilian Navy, War of the Triple Alliance against Paraguay


The War of the Triple Alliance against Paraguay (1864-1870) still lacks a diversified historiographical production that goes beyond a history of military operations and a social history of war. This paper intends to talk about the national development of new warships through the requirements achieved by the methodical record of the first combat operations of the brazilian ironclads in Paraguay River.

