The Revista Marítima Brasileira in the 19th

the development of military journal


  • André Luiz Melo Tinoco Nogueira Doutorando em História Comparada pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Mestre em Histó-ria Social pela Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO).


Military Journal, Brazil’s navy, Military History


In the present work, we seek to analyze the appearance of the military journal Revista Marítima Brasileira in the middle of the 19th century, as an intellectual production of the Brazilian Navy. In our observations, we will highlight the moment of construction of the project of the magazine, as a place of production of techni-cal-military content and discussion of matters related to the interests of the maritime and naval areas. Thus, we look for our work to observe the apparent maturation of the newspaper’s proposal as a printed produc-tion, its military information network, its prominent figures for the development of the periodical, and the look of the Brazilian Navy in different ways. Moments of the History of Brazil.

