Preprosthetic Orthodontic Treatment Tratamento Ortodôntico Pré-Protético

Main Article Content

Amanda Pires Vidal
Matheus Silva do Nascimento


Modern dentistry is currently seeking treatments that restore thefunction and aesthetics of dental elements, also considering thebiological factors involved in oral health. Prosthetic rehabilitationtreatment can be challenging, especially in adult patients with toothloss and periodontal problems. In this sense, the search for a sumof satisfactory results leads the team to integrate specialties suchas Periodontics, Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Implantology, MaxillofacialSurgery and Orthodontics. The latter has been a great ally forprosthetic rehabilitation in stages of diagnosis and treatment plan,providing better aesthetic and functional prognoses. The presentstudy is a literature review performed by searching the PubMedand Google Scholar databases and aims to address the most recentaspects of preprosthetic orthodontic treatment, emphasizing themain advantages, indications, and ways of establishing a treatmentplan, as well as orthodontic movements in patients with anteriortooth agenesis and the use of mini-implants as an aid in thetherapeutic plan. Preprosthetic orthodontic treatment is considereda current topic, and the individuality of each patient means thatthe literature concentrates more in case report articles, thus furtherstudies are needed that encompass protocols and indications forpossible cases that may arise in clinical practice. We conclude thatincluding orthodontics in the stages of diagnosis and treatment planof prosthetic rehabilitation brings benefits of great value in the searchfor an easier rehabilitation environment with greater guarantees ofaesthetic and functional success.

Article Details

How to Cite
Preprosthetic Orthodontic Treatment: Tratamento Ortodôntico Pré-Protético. (2021). Naval Dental Jounal, 48(2), 45-53.
Literature Reviews
Author Biographies

Amanda Pires Vidal, Iguaçu University (UNIG)

Dentist Specialist in Orthodontics by the Iguaçu University (UNIG), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

Matheus Silva do Nascimento, Naval Dental Center (Odontoclínica Central da Marinha), Brazilian Navy, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Specialist in Orthodontics by the Iguaçu University (UNIG) and Specialist in Endodontics by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Department of Endodontics, Naval Dental Center (Odontoclínica Central da Marinha), Brazilian Navy, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

How to Cite

Preprosthetic Orthodontic Treatment: Tratamento Ortodôntico Pré-Protético. (2021). Naval Dental Jounal, 48(2), 45-53.


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