From Arariboia to Martim Afonso

the indigenous metamorphosis by the war in the waters of Guanabara


  • Marcello Felipe Duarte É graduado e licenciado em História (UERJ), com pós-graduação lato sensu em História do Brasil (UFF) e mestrado em História Política (UERJ). Atualmente, é professor e coordenador de História do Colégio Naval.


indigenous leaders, royal favors, Arariboia


The ennoblement of indigenous leaders in Portuguese America, made possible by the application of royal favors, configured as an important strategy in the process of consolidation of the Portuguese domain overseas, mainly in the first two centuries of our colonization. It is from this historical context that we will highlight the trajectory of Arariboia, later baptized with the christian name Martim Afonso de Souza, indigenous leader, who has joined the portugueses in the fight against the french and tamoios, in the conquest of Guanabara.


