“Sahidos da classe menos moralisada da sociedade”

the problems of child militarization in the Province of Maranhão


  • Tarantini Pereira Freire Mestre em História Social pelo PPGHIS-UFMA. Pesquisador dos Grupos: Militares, Poder e Sociedade na Amazônia (UFPA) e Sociedade, Memória e Poder (UFMA). Pesquisador de temáticas militares com ênfase na Armada Imperial.
  • Rodrigo Maranhão Pinheiro Bacharel em Sociologia pela Université Pierre Mendès – France – Grenoble/França. Pesquisador dos Grupos: Bem-Estar da Universidade Dom Bosco (UnDB) em parceria com a Université Pierre Mendès – France. Cursando o mestrado de Enquete e Expertise Sociologique.


Apprentices Sailors Company, child enlistment, military education


In the province of Maranhão was installed the Apprentices Sailors Company which held his quarters in its capital, São Luís. The purpose of this institution was to train soldiers for the Imperial Navy, giving nautical education for children’s considered generally poor. This study is intended to provide a possibility to analyze that institution, stressing some important facts: a) institutional discipline; b) the contents of the given knowledge; c) the child enlistment mode operated by the institution d) Local translations undergone by the institution. This interpretation will be guided by the epistemological presuppositions of history from below, where the concern will not be with the organization itself, although take it into consideration, but to make sense of the historical experience of learners who have been entered on that network of military education.

